CIAO - Citizen into Agora Organizations (2017-2018)

The project CIAO was carried out in 2017 and 2018 with the aim of promoting education for democratic citizenship, freedom, and non-discrimination and as part of this project, there was an exchange of the best and innovative practices of European countries focused on democracy and active participation.

As part of the project, international meetings were held in Florence, Zagreb, and Angouleme (in France), while the trainers’ training was held in Athens.

The CIAO project encouraged the cooperation and networking of European organisations dealing in adult education, the inclusion of disadvantaged persons by using an intercultural approach, as well as the development of civic and social skills and the empowerment of disadvantaged adults and youths. 

The timeline of human rights and the Guide to good practice examples were created over the course of the project.

The project was financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme, in section KA2 – strategic partnerships, while the Parents’ Association “Step by Step” participated as a partner organisation, along with 5 other organisations. The project holder was the organisation UDAF from France, while the partner organisations were from Greece, Turkey, Romania, Italy, and Croatia. The CIAO project was also the first project under the Erasmus+ Programme that the Association participated in.


#DeleteCyberbullying (2014-2016)



Over the course of 2014, The Parents’ Association “Korak po korak” joined the project DeleteCyberbullying, whose holder is the organisation COFACE Families Europe, along with partner organisations from as much as 14 countries and with the financial support of the DAPHNE Programme of the European Union. 

This project was carried out with the aim of raising public awareness, particularly that of experts who work with children and children and parents on the harmfulness, burden, and consequences of cyberbullying, as well as sources of help. As part of the project, an animated video was created, which sums up different aspects of cyberbullying and possible consequences for the victim in just a few minutes.



An educational application for mobile devices, aimed at children, parents and teachers, was also created under the project. The application contained information on cyberbullying and interactive pop quizzes regarding the knowledge and experiences which make it possible to determine whether a child was a victim or, maybe, the perpetrator of cyberbullying.

The application’s goal is to educate parents, pupils and experts on the harmfulness and methods of protection from cyberbullying by using the very medium that is often used to commit cyberbullying and is close to the children – mobile devices.

A handbook for teachers was also drafted, showing, and explaining the questions from the application in detail but also clarifying many other terms which are related to cyberbullying.

The Association has continued developing new activities under this project and in 2016, with the financial support of the City of Zagreb, it drafted a handbook for parents with the goal to inform parents on the forms, burden, consequences, and methods of recognising cyberbullying, as well as specific actions which they can and should take if they suspect that their child is suffering or committing cyberbullying.